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Mega Ramp Car Stunts
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Mega Ramp Car Stunts

Mega Ramp Car Stunts is a hard-core stunt car-driving simulation game. With 3D obstacles on the track, you have a chance to challenge 10 levels in the Stunt Mode and 16 levels in the Giant Ramp mode. Whether you meet checkpoints or not, you need to drive the car to the finish line safely.
On PCW = Speed upS = backwardA = turn leftD = turn rightShift = spray nitrogenOn MobileTap the buttons on the screenTap the Refresh button to reset your car

Game Instructions

On PCW = Speed upS = backwardA = turn leftD = turn rightShift = spray nitrogenOn MobileTap the buttons on the screenTap the Refresh button to reset your car

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Game Stats:  26 plays
Game Categories:  Driving