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Skibidi Laser Kill
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Skibidi Laser Kill

Skibidi Laser Kill Game is a fast-paced, action-packed laser shooter arcade game. Players take control of a laser-wielding character and must defend themselves against waves of oncoming enemies. The game features a variety of enemies, each with their own unique attacks. Players must use their skills and reflexes to dodge enemy fire and take them down.
Pc Click the left button of the mouse to shoot the box and when obstacles are appear on the screen then drag the character to move right and left mobile Click the screen to shoot the box and when obstacles are appear on the screen then drag the charact

Game Instructions

Pc Click the left button of the mouse to shoot the box and when obstacles are appear on the screen then drag the character to move right and left mobile Click the screen to shoot the box and when obstacles are appear on the screen then drag the charact

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Game Stats:  16 plays
Game Categories:  Shooting